XXXVI/ Cause everybody dies but not everybody lives

“Life is being in bed with you. Everything else is just waiting.”

If I had to stop time and tell you in a few words how I feel these days, I’d only tell you this;
Happiness is a hazy Saturday morning of November, waking up after a short night to your first snowy landscape in years, rub your eyes, smile to yourself and spend the rest of the day gazing upon that white beauty fall.
Anger is the inability to overtake some old fuck that rolls over speed bumps in first gear over hundreds of kilometres.

“Whenever someone tells me they’re going on vacation I always tell them to have fun just in case they hadn’t considered that option.”
Just like a desire to hit the road again these days… What do you want, I just can’t help it. The leopard cannot change its spots.
I’ve lived the most exciting part of my life abroad. Is that my fault if almost everything that has made me who I am has happened on the road? Don’t look any further, I will never be completely home again since my heart will always be elsewhere. Now that I think about it, there’s a point of no return that I’ve crossed a long time ago.

I once read about a guy who has travelled the world for over twenty years (…) and he was saying in an interview that: “To me, home is wherever I find myself, anything will do.”
I find it quite full of truth; I mean “home” is just an abstract concept made up by society’s customs. And even though I’m deliberately on the bench for now, my favorite book remains to be my passport.
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
Everything else is secondary.”

I’m in love with love. One of my American travel mates once told me that “I was so French” in the way I talked about love and relationships in general, that it was such a French thing to be like that. I doubt that all my fellow citizens are like me but so be it, I’m a love lover and I’m sort of glad – even proud somehow – that I still manage to believe in this type of things nowadays.
“Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.”
And as John Lennon himself once said: we live in a world where we have to hide to make love while violence is practiced in broad daylight.

Sometimes I feel like doing just like they do in movies; buy a bottle of Tequila and just down it at home with good homies just like that for no reason. Put the music loud and get the place all full of smoke. Those things we do to break the routine. Or shall I say “those things we should do”? Life’s so full of simple things we’d love to do but only rarely concretise.
There won’t be another earth nor another sea. This is why you better make peace with yourself and best enjoy every single moment in life, mostly the simplest ones.

Dancing in the rain. Only this. The oldest trick in the world, yet one of the simplest things that will make you feel alive. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
Reminds me of that day back in Sydney – exactly one year ago – I was getting tanned on the beach with my wicked Swedes when suddenly a violent storm blew up. Instead of looking for a shelter, they just threw a “Yo let’s go dancing in the rain bitches!!”, so we did. Got soaking wet in a few secs and incidentally frightened some bystanders but damn, what a feeling…
Time flies.

“You come to the world and leave it with empty hands; so what’s the point in spending so much time acquiring stuff in between?”

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